The Governor of Tasmania, Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker SC
The Lord Mayor of Hobart, the Right Honourable Councillor Anna M. Reynolds
Committee – 2022-23
President: Mr David Hudson JP, B Ec (Hons) GAICD
Imm. Past President: Mr Keith Lello JP, Dip FP, CFP
Vice President: Mr Gil Thomas JP, B.Pharm, MPS
Secretary: Mr Matt Combey JP, BBA (Prof Hons), GradCertMgt
Treasurer: Mr Greg McDougall JP, Dip Acc, Dip Mgmt, Ass Dip Bus Com, FIPA, AIML, MACS
Councillors: Ms Jill Taylor JP, BAVE
Mr Graeme Roberts JP
Mr John Hayton JP
Ms Helen Holmes OAM JP
Mr David Langmaid JP
Editor: Ms Patricia Dai Wei Wang JP, BIS-LL.B, MPA, PRIMed, FMVA, CA, FTI
Statutory Office Bearers
Public Officer: Mr Les Batchelor OAM JP
Auditor: Mr Peter Anderson JP, B Bus, CPA
Legal Consultant: Mr Daniel Zeeman LL.B